Hey guys! New here so hello!
Thought I would ask what you all thought I should
concern myself with for the MoP launch. Just started
playing my paladin tank 3 weeks ago (I stopped almost 2
years ago) and now have him up to a 382 item level. Not
too shabby for only playing for a few weeks!
Anyways, I know MoP is coming out in less than two
months so I didn't want to focus too much on raiding. I
have accomplished the LFR DS and Deathwing (which was a
lot of fun, but no where NEAR Kharazan!!) so I am not
too worried about missing out on a lot of content. Here
is what I thought would be prime:
1. Max professions
a. Especially if they are gathering!
b. PvPer's don't forget to max FA
2. Obtain Lawbringer set (Transblablabla)
a. Also get a cool 1-H sword
3. Help my Guild level up
That is about all I can think of. You see my dilemma?
Isn't there some quests I could accomplish and then
turn them in right after MoP launch? Also, I am not
spending any cash on any enchantments.
Anything you all have to add?