So I just had a thought: Why not offlane doombringer?
Pros: Doom has an innate farming skill, and when vision is
provided, he can always at least manage to gain the exp/gold given
by devour
Pros: Doom has a sick escape skill that is twice as long in
duration at lvl 1 compared to lvl 4 windrun which heals at the
same time.
Cons: squishy due to low armor but can be remedied by stout shield
and ring of protection
Cons: low mana regen that can be remedied by basilus
So I imagine this offlane doom would serve more as the role of
durable / initiator with centaur stomp skill, vanguard, AC and
teamfight oriented items such as pipe. So basically you build him
like darkseer, with less turtling power but more right click