ReputationWe now have a reputation feature where you can give other Forum members a positive or negative vote on there post. but this will not affect the reputation count it will just display on there post in the form of a small coloured bar to the far right of the users post.
To give or take reputation you will see in the users post to the top right there is a green thumbs up and a red thumbs down image.
Press the
to give a positive vote and press the
to give a negative vote.
ThanksIn the top right of all posts (except your own posts) there will now be a 'Thanks' button (in the same place as the 'Quote' and 'Edit' buttons). By clicking this button you are thanking a member for a post you found useful, informative or just enjoyed reading it!
You will see in your profile or directly under your Avatar to the left of all your posts how many times you have been thanked.